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this is a mix of SMS, SM64, right?


Yes, but it's based on the flash game Super Mario 63


Amazing Game 10/10!
Keep it up!

I finished the game, really cool! I could've played it for more than 30 minute


The sheer potential in this remake is staggering! I really hope to see the development of this continue!


This game seems like a really cool game hope you continue it!

(2 edits) (+1)

Pls continue this project i miss this game i love what yall did. I wish you good luck ;) also can you make it to were you can swap the mobile controls from right to left

That will be coming in the next update!


jk the keyboard seetngs are really good but it still would be good for wasd :)

The next update will feature customizable controls.

its really good! but i dont like the keyboard seetings you picked can you add wasd?

(1 edit)

this ís amazing

Can you change the Android download to a normal .apk so I can manage updates with Mitch?

I'll see what I can do.

answer to creyon's previous question from 1 month ago (november 2022)

"How old is your laptop?"

it has existed ever since march 22, 2013, apparently.

bit of extra information that might resolve the problem:

the pc is a windows 10 pro

it's also a 64 bit computer

Hm. I'm not quite sure what would be causing that. Could you try it on a different computer, and see if that works?


i don't have any other computers


skill issue

Could anyone else exit the pause menu?

Ok I’m replaying this and now my controls don’t work ethier.


Is this on mobile? We'll be working on fixing the menus a little for the next update. I'm doing that today, actually.

it feels a bit stunted compared to the origonal

In what way?

the controls just feel off


Can't really help with that, sorry.

ok so i have an image of the game's black screen at start-up

it stopped responding because it felt like it


This was really fun to play through, despite how short the demo was.

It made me think about the remake for SM63 I always envisioned in my mind as a kid, and not to mention this demo ambushed me with nostalgia.

This is looking really great so far! I hope to one day see the full version, whenever it's ready.


im fast as f*ck boiiiii

how???, pls give tips

i use a glitch to start in the flood screen

the game just has a black screen on my phone

same but i'm on laptop

How old is your laptop?

some years old (i don't remember)



just tryna fix this black screen bug which makes the game refuse to start

Could you give some information about your phone? What model is it? How old is it?

its a galaxy a41 from 2020 it has a arm64-v8a

very fun, reminds me of when I'd play bootleg mario world games on random websites in like 2007 (but this has better controls obv)

the android controls are so big i cant play

We're working on fixing that for the next version.



Dude the nostalgia hit me pretty hard

I remember playing the original Mario 63 way back in fifth grade or something like that, I remember playing it with my friends trying to see who can beat the game first (we never beat it but it was still fun).

This just... wow. This is absolutely phenominal, I like not being able to dash, and for some reason I couldn't get F.L.U.D.D. to work, even after I refilled it, which was weird, but for what I played, you didn't need F.L.U.D.D.

Also the music I can't remember if it's remixed or if this is what is in the original. Seeing as though flash died, I can't exactly just pull up the game.

Props to you creator!


I'm not a big fan of the controls.  For me, its really inconvenient having to use the up arrow as a jump button. It would make more sense to map the jump button to the Z button, and Ground Pound to the Down Arrow

The controls are how they were in the original. You'll be able to rebind them in the future.

alright, thats good to know.


this was absolutely amazing, I can't wait to have my mom play it

(2 edits)

i don't think the speedrun controls should be enabled by default, because i accidentally pressed "A" and it took me to the very beginning. i thought my game crashed because i got a bad laptop. i was trying to pause the game but found out that the pause button is not enter, but "P". i guess it's a little nit picky, but also, when you rapidly mash left and right, mario doesn't do a midair spin, and in the original, it was just like pressing "X", but you fell slower to the ground. also, when i go to the next area, the music just gets messed up by repeatedly looping like 1 second of what was previously playing. I don't think this happens in more powerful devices, but i thought i should point that out. the game needs more optimization.

mario runs too fast, when in the original game, he walked a little slower, but double-tapping any horizontal direction made him run fast

The speedrun controls were a last-minute addition, so they're a bit rough, yeah.

The pause button is P because that's how it was in the original.

The fastspin was removed because it's not useful enough anywhere in the game.

The music stuttering is due to the limitations of the Web platform - not the game's optimization, nor your computer. It won't happen on the downloaded version. It might be fixed when we add a custom loading system, but maybe not.

Mario's running speed is the same as the original, I'm pretty sure. The higher framerate makes the whole game feel faster. We removed dashing because it's less useful than diving, and makes precise movement harder.


oh i see, sorry for the late response

the game won't even start

What platform are you on?


Weird. Where do you get to? Is it a black screen, or what?

the game opens, plays the title screen music but it just stays put in a black screen and does literally nothing

No idea what's wrong, then. Sorry.


its hard to control on web but is way better installed, great game

good luck on finishing the game

4.5 stars

That's odd, not quite sure why it would be hard to control on web. Are you playing on desktop or phone?


its just becaues the games slower for me on web (my laptop suck, it its not available to handle  

fansy graficts on web)


It is missing some movement like double tapping the left or right key to run or spamming left and right to spin faster then normal making you glide but other then that amazing recreation please add luigi with next demo

We probably won't be adding dashing or fast-spinning, and Luigi won't come until much later, but, I'm glad you like it!

aww I loved dashing and fast spinning but other then that I love this idea and hope that you get to finish it fully but before then I will be playing the og

is this mario 63


we know


THIS IS SOO FUN looking forward to final!


Looks Awesome! I remember playing the original several years ago. Good times. Can't wait for full version/next demo!

Will it have new levels/features not present in the original game?


New levels are sorta planned, but not confirmed. We'll probably be using the Level Designer to build future levels, which should be easier.

New features, yes. There already are new features, like language settings, speedrun timing, console commands, etc. ^^


god damn, i cant wait for more stuff it looks awesome!


Looks stunning! Can’t wait to see more of it.

I have a small quality-of-life suggestion for Android: allow reversed landscape rotation. Some controllers (ones wrapping sides of the phone like Gamesir X2) work well with that orientation only.

Huh, I didn't know that wasn't already possible. I'll see what I can do.

(2 edits)

this tiny demo uses the control scheme from the original flash game, which i realized could be simplified:

  • it’s easier to press the Up (or down) arrow key to talk to signs instead of Z, and when i go to a sign it should have not just the white outline but also the Up (or down) arrow symbol so that i know which button to press to talk with the sign
  • the ground pound could be done by pressing the Down arrow — instead of the dive, which could be done by pressing the Up arrow once after jumping
  • this leaves only F.L.U.D.D. assigned to a Non-arrow key, which could be the Space bar

the original control scheme can — at least while playtesting — still be an option, call it the “Classic” preset. but i think for many players this simplified control scheme (or a variation of it, if you find improvements through playtesting) could make the game much more fun for many players including me.

So cool! I was never able to play the original, but I only heard good stuff about it so to be able to play it like this is so cool! Let's just hope Nintendo doesn't take it down.

You can play the original using the .exe found on, or by using a Flash Projector.


Yay, thank you so much!

So. For mobile, can you make the on screen controls editable? Not a fan of the movement on the right hand and the buttons being so big. Other than that, pretty solid.

Editable controls are planned. It's like that as the default for accessibility purposes, but we'll try to make it customisable. Glad you enjoyed it

Great Game/Demo, it was a lot of fun, would like to see if you could Incorporate the WASD keys to into movement.  Can't wait to see what you do next!!


Good Work, i hope Nintendo don't take is project down.

This game should be on nintendo!

(1 edit) (+3)

1. enter water

2. press and hold up, down, and C

3. ???


(please don't fix this it's incredibly fun)

I don't play super Mario but this got my attention and I'm good at it-
nice game btw :D

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